Your Guide To: Can Dogs Eat Acai
Fact checked and reviewed by:
Dr. Joseph Menicucci, DVM, MBA
Known as purple gold, acai berries are all the rage. People defer to the super fruit for its healthy goodness—it’s brimming with antioxidants that help improve memory, boost heart health, and even protect against cancer.
As such, people have come up with the most creative ways to incorporate this tasty berry into their diet, from smoothies to acai bowls.
But pump the brakes before sharing this super food with your canine friends. While there’s no downside to downing an acai bowl every day, a hidden danger lurks within each berry.
Failing to account for this factor may leave your pooch in critical condition.
Can Dogs Have Acai? Can Dogs Eat Acai?
Dogs can eat acai berries, but only in small amounts.
While acai berries are a nutritional powerhouse, they’re a slippery slope for dogs. Alongside the healthy goodness that includes vitamins and antioxidants, acai contains theobromine.
Yup, that’s the same ingredient that makes dark chocolate fatal for dogs. If your pooch overindulges in the delicious berries, they face the risk of theobromine poisoning. Dogs are susceptible to chocolate poisoning because their digestive system can’t easily break down theobromine.
Chocolate is safe for human beings because we break down theobromine in 2 to 3 hours. In contrast, it takes a dog’s digestive system 18 hours to break it down, which is sufficient time for the toxin to be absorbed into the bloodstream.
Theobromine is fatal to dogs because it affects the cardiovascular, nervous, and respiratory systems. The first signs of theobromine poisoning may appear within two hours of overindulging in acai berries. Initial symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, increased thirst, excessive urination, restlessness, muscle tremors, and heart palpitations.
If you suspect your dog has overindulged in acai berries, contact a vet immediately. Sometimes, the symptoms of theobromine poisoning can take up to 24 hours to manifest. There’s no specific treatment for chocolate poisoning, but medical interventions range from induced vomiting to administering oxygen, activated charcoal, and IV fluids.
Can Dogs Eat Acai Bowl?
Acai bowls are safe for dogs if they contain dog-safe ingredients.
An acai bowl is a popular breakfast food that comprises blended acai berries and toppings such as fruits, nuts, and berries.
Popular toppings include bananas, blueberries, and nuts—but there are no hard rules about what to include. As such, you should only share your acai bowl with your pup if you’re sure it contains dog-safe ingredients.

Can Dogs Have Acai Berry?
Dogs can safely have acai berries in small amounts.
The berries are a nutrient-dense dog treat that should only be offered in moderation. Since acai berries are native to South America and have a very short shelf-life, the rest of the world makes do with frozen berries.
You may offer frozen acai berries to your pup in moderation. Offering too many berries may trigger digestive upset and lead to theobromine poisoning.
Can Dogs Eat Acai Powder?
Dogs can safely eat acai powder in small amounts.
Acai powder comprises ground freeze-dried acai berries. Acai powder is commonly used as a supplement or added to foods such as smoothies and yogurt for its potential health benefits.
Only offer powdered acai from reliable and reputable brands to your pooch. Organic brands are preferable since they’re unlikely to contain added sugar or harmful additives.
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Can Dogs Eat Frozen Acai?
Yes, you may offer small amounts of frozen acai berries to your fur babies.
Frozen acai berries are available as frozen pulp or puree. While many brands are relatively safe for human consumption, they may not be okay for your fur babies.
Some contain added sugars, commercial sweeteners, and other potentially harmful additives. The best-frozen acai brands for your dog are plain and unsweetened.
What Health Benefits Does Acia Have?
Acai berries are considered a superfood—they’re greatly valued for their for their nutritional value. They’re rich in vitamins, antioxidants, essential minerals, and fatty acids and confer a myriad of benefits to your furry companion. Acai’s health benefits include:
Anti-aging Properties:
Acai berries are rich in antioxidants such as anthocyanins, flavonoids, and vitamin C. Antioxidants give the berries a deep purple color and help remove free radicals from the body. Too many free radicals in the body damage the cells and cause oxidative stress, leading to premature aging in dogs. Acai helps mitigate inflammation, thereby protecting your pooch from chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain forms of cancer.
Improve heart health:
Anthocyanins found in acai berries help safeguard and improve heart health. The antioxidants prevent cholesterol oxidation and lower blood pressure. Due to high levels of plant sterols, acai berries improve heart health by improving blood circulation, preventing blood clots, and relaxing the blood vessels.
Enhanced digestive health:
Like most berries, acai has a high dietary fiber content. Dietary fiber softens and adds bulk to the stool, making it easier to pass through the digestive tract, which regulates your dog’s bowel movements. It also acts as a prebiotic to help dogs maintain a healthy gut biome, which improves nutrient absorption and overall digestive health.
Supports the immune system:
Acai berries contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which support the immune system and help dogs maintain healthy skin and a shiny coat. Dogs can’t produce essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid and must obtain them through diet. Fatty acids also support brain development and function and help fight inflammation.
Boosts cognitive health:
Since acai berries are rich in antioxidants, they’ll help safeguard your dog’s brain from dangerous oxidation and inflammation. Oxidative stress in the brain can lead to brain damage, increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease as your dog ages. Eliminating free radicals in the brain helps improve your dog’s cognitive function.
Improved bone health:
Acai contains calcium, and dogs require the essential minerals to support bone growth and development. It helps dogs form strong and healthy bones and develop proper skeletal structures while lowering the risk of skeletal abnormalities. Acai also contains phosphorous, another mineral necessary for optimal bone health.

What’s the Best Way to Serve My Dog Acai? Can Dogs Eat Acai?
Outside Brazil, acai is available as frozen berries, pulp, puree, or acai powder. You may offer frozen berries as a standalone treat, but it’s best to chop or mash them up before offering them to your pooch to prevent choking.
Acai pulp, puree, or powder makes an excellent food topping, but you can add them to other dog treats such as smoothies and plain yogurts.
How Much Acai Should I Give My Dog?
You should always serve your dog acai berries in small portions and in moderation.
Despite being a superfood, acai berries can pose a severe health risk for your puppy. Dogs that overindulge in acai can experience digestive distress shortly after consuming the berries.
Since every dog is different, there’s no telling how many berries are safe for your pooch. Ideally, it’s best to offer a few berries at most if you wish for your pup to benefit from this super fruit. It may not seem much, but that’s low enough to protect your dog from the harmful effects of theobromine.
Small dogs can have a teaspoon of acai puree or pulp, while the large ones can have a teaspoon. It’s best to make acai a periodic treat rather than a regular feature in your dog’s diet.
Can Puppies Eat Acai?
Despite their healthy goodness, acai berries may not be safe for puppies.
Unlike adult dogs, puppies have more food sensitivities and allergies. As such, it’s best to avoid introducing foods with known toxins to their diets until they’re older.
While older dogs can safely handle a few acai berries, puppies might react differently to the theobromine in them. It may trigger adverse reactions that may endanger their health and well-being.
If a puppy accidentally eats acai, keep a keen eye on them and watch out for signs of distress. Call a vet if you notice adverse reactions such as vomiting and diarrhea.
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So, Can Dogs Eat Acai? What’s the Verdict?
Dogs can safely eat acai berries, but only in small amounts. You must be judicious when adding this super fruit to your dog’s food rooster. Despite their nutritious goodness, acai berries contain theobromine, a known toxin for dogs that causes chocolate poisoning.
As such, portion control is extremely important when feeding acai berries to your dog. Offering too much can endanger your dog’s health and leave them fighting for their life. Ideally, you should check with your vet before adding acai berries to the menu.
If you’re looking for more nutritional advice for your pet, The American Canine Club is a great starting point for all things canine health.