Your Guide To: What Human Food Can Dogs Eat?
Fact checked and reviewed by:
Dr. Joseph Menicucci, DVM, MBA
Let’s go on a journey to discover everything you need to know about the controversial topic: What Human Food Can Dogs Eat?
It’s not worth guessing when is comes to your precious doggo, and it’s our mission to keep your pet happy and healthy.
Our team of dog loving experts reveal the 80 of most debated human foods of 2024 – so put that tasty treat down and strap it!
Best Human Foods For Dogs
While feeding yourself or making food in your kitchen, you must have wondered if your dog can have a bite. You would have been tempted to offer your dog some.
It’s everyday news that not all human foods are safe for dog consumption, but you must be asking, which is secure?
Just remember that whatever foods are mentioned should be served in moderation.
Carrots are the first human food that is safe for dogs to eat. Carrots are fun to chew on because they have nutritional benefits and are very good for maintaining your pet’s dental hygiene. Carrots are also a good source of vitamin A, which benefits a dog’s immune system, gives it better skin, and gives it a shinier coat.
Cooked Eggs:
Cooked eggs should be included on the list because they are a great source of protein and contain essential nutrients like vitamins A and B12, but raw eggs containing salmonella should be avoided.
Plain Yogurt:
Plain yogurt contains a substantial amount of probiotics and calcium, which can help your pet’s digestive system function smoothly. However, as the name implies, such yogurt should be free from additives and artificial sweeteners.
Sweet Potatoes:
Sweet potatoes are also a great choice because they are rich in fiber and vitamins A and C, which strengthen the immune system and improve overall health. They should be served cooked, mashed, or diced as a delicious treat.

What Human Food Can Dogs Eat? What Is The Healthiest Human Food For Dogs?
A number of human foods are safe for our furry friends to eat, but which ones are actually very healthy and can contribute to their overall health and well-being? What human food can dogs eat?
Blueberries contain a high level of antioxidants and nutrients* like vitamins C and K and fiber, which support your dog’s overall well-being and immune system. Also, the flesh of blueberries is not toxic and does not substantially harm dogs.
Peanut Butter:
Peanut butter is also considered healthy for your furry friends when it is taken in moderation. It is great for dogs because of its creamy texture and because it is also a good source of protein. While this combination is great, do it in moderation. Peanut butter is very high in calories and fat, which can lead to excessive weight gain or digestive problems.

Carrots are considered healthy for our pets because of their various health benefits. They are low in calories and adequately supply the needed vitamins, minerals, and fiber*.
Cooked Eggs:
Cooked eggs, not raw eggs, are a healthy part of the list because they are a great source of protein and contain essential nutrients like vitamins A and B12, but raw eggs containing salmonella should be avoided.

What Can I Feed My Dog Instead Of Dog Food? What Human Food Can Dogs Eat?
Homemade Food:
There isn’t always time to buy expensive food at the dog store. On those days, you can prepare homemade food using chicken, turkey, beef, cooked vegetables, carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, rice, quinoa, etc.; make sure the ingredients are balanced and suit your pet’s current state.

Broccoli is a nutritional vegetable that cannot be enjoyed by humans only but also by dogs. When offering broccoli to your dog, ensure to cook it properly to soften the texture and eliminate seasonings and any extra oil*. Remove any stems, cut them into small sizes, and serve them in small quantities.
Prescribed Foods:
This works best when your dog is on medication or has a serious medication condition that requires it to stay away from its regular diet and embrace something that goes well with its current condition.
Supplements can also be considered an alternative to regular dog food. For example, you can add multivitamins or fish oil to your dog’s food for additional nutrition. Before doing this, inform your veterinarian.
Love our article on what human food can dogs eat? Strap in, there’s plenty more to come!
Ultimate A-Z Guide For 2024: What Human Food Can Dogs Eat?
What Human Food
Can Dogs Eat?
Topic | Keenan Says | Verdict |
Can Dogs Eat Almond Butter | Must be in moderation, please ensure it’s free of added preservatives, salt, and sweeteners. | Yes |
Can Dogs Drink Apple Juice | Potential to cause upset stomach and diarrhea. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Boba | Can be considered a choking hazard. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Cheerios | But we advise against it, due to the lack of nutritional benefit. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Cheetos | But we advise against it, due to the lack of nutritional benefit. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Cheez Its | But we advise against it, due to the lack of nutritional benefit. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Chocolate | It contains a chemical called theobromine, which is toxic for dogs. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Crab Sticks | But we advise against it, due to the lack of nutritional benefit. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Cream Of Mushroom Soup | The Ingredients can be toxic and harmful to dogs. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Donuts | Although not toxic, they contain high sugar, high fat and no nutritional benefit. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Doritos | Due to the lack of nutritional benefit and being a potential choking hazard. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Easter Eggs | It contains a chemical called theobromine, which is toxic for dogs. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Egg Rolls | Click here to reveal all the answers | |
Can Dogs Eat Everything Bagels | Ingredients like salt, pepper, onion, and garlic found in bagel can be toxic to dogs. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Fig Newtons | Click here to reveal all the answers | |
Can Dogs Eat Flour Tortillas | But we advise against it, due to the lack of nutritional benefit and may cause stomach issues. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat French Fries | They are high in fat and salt, which is not good for dogs. | No |
Can Dogs Eat French Toast | Just be wary of artificial sweeteners like xylitol or harmful spices like nutmeg. They are toxic to dogs. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Fritos | They contain processed corn, fats and high levels of sodium, which are harmful to dogs. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Fruit Loops | But we advise against it, due to the lack of nutritional benefit. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Fruit Snacks | They aren’t toxic to dogs, but are very high in sugar, which should be avoided. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Funyuns | They’re high in salt and have artificial flavors which is unsafe for dogs. | No |
Can Dogs Drink Gatorade | It can be given in moderation, but we don’t recommend it. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Graham Crackers | But we advise against it, due to the lack of nutritional benefit. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Granola | But avoid toxic ingredients like; xylitol, chocolate and raisins. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Grits | Must be unseasoned and in moderation. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Hamburgers | The meat must be unseasoned and be eaten in moderation. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Hash Browns | Click here to reveal all the answers | |
Can Dogs Eat Italian Seasoning | It usually contains marjoram, which is toxic for dogs. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Honey Cheerios | But we advise against it, due to high sugar content, and some flavours may contain nutmeg which is bad for dogs. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Hot Cheetos | Has a very high fat and salt content, which may cause digestive issues. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Hummus | Ingredients like salt, oil, garlic, and onion which may be found in hommus are hazardous for dogs. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Ice Cream | A high sugar content mixed with lactose is not good for you doggo. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Ice Cream Cones | They aren’t toxic to dogs, but are very high in sugar, which should be avoided. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Ice Cream Vanilla | A high sugar content mixed with lactose is not good for you doggo. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Ice Pops | But we advise against it, due to high sugar content, and some products may contain xylitol which is toxic for dogs. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Imitation Crab Meat | Click here to reveal all the answers | |
Can Dogs Eat Instant Mashed Potatoes | But must be unseasoned and eaten in moderation. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Instant Oatmeal | highly processed and may contain traces of xylitol, which is toxic for dogs. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Instant Rice | We advise to feed your dog normal rice, as it has a high degree of sustanance. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Jello | The flavorings, sugar and artificial sweeteners are unsafe for your dog. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Jam | Although not toxic, we don’t recommended it, due to its high sugar content | No |
Can Dogs Eat Jelly Beans | They are high-sugar products that also may contain xylitol or caffeine, which is unsafe. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Jerky | Plain Jerky is ok for dogs in moderation, and must not contain additives, preservatives, or seasoning. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Jif Peanut Butter | Must be eaten in moderation, as it still has a higher sugar content than some other brands. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Jolly Ranchers | But we advise against it, due to high sugar content, and some products may contain xylitol, which is unsafe for dogs. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Jujube | The flesh of the fruit is safe for dogs to eat. However, the pits and seeds are toxic for dogs. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Kettle Corn | It contains large quantities of sugar, oil, and fat. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Lasagna | Lasagna contains high amounts of fat and salt, which is bad for your dogs digestion and overall health. | No |
Can Dogs Drink Lemonade | The acidity from the lemons, combined with sugar is a no go zone for your dog. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Licorice | It contains glycyrrhizin, which can lead to high blood pressure in dogs – please avoid. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Macaroni Cheese | It contains both dairy and gluten, which is bad for dog’s digestive systems. We advise against, especially for puppies. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Marmite | In small amounts. However, we advise against it, due to its high salt content. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Marshmallow | High in sugar and may contain xylitol which is unsafe for dogs. They are also a chocking hazard. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Mashed Potatoes | Please ensure the potatoes are roasted and not boiled, with no added salt, seasonings, milk or butter. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Mcdonalds | Contains high amounts of bad fats and salt, which is bad for your dogs digestion and overall health. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Mint Ice Cream | Contains peppermint oil and chocolate chips, which are both unsafe for dogs. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Mochi | They are high in fat and sugar, which is not good for a dogs overall health | No |
Can Dogs Eat Noodles | Plain pasta is not toxic to dogs, but we don’t recommend due to lack of nutritional value | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Nutella | Contains theobromine which is found in cocoa, and is considered toxic for dogs. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Nutter Butters | In moderation, however we don’t recommend it due to the high fat content, which can cause digestive issues. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Oreos | Contains theobromine which is found in cocoa. Plus has a high sugar content, which is considered toxic for dogs. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Pedialyte | The dangers of pedialyte are too great, it could make your dog worse. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Pita Chips | However we don’t recommend due to the high carbohydrate content. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Pretzel Sticks | These must be avoided due to high salt content and additives. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Pringles | These must be avoided due to high salt content and additives. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Quorn | However, we don’t recommend it due to potential traces of onion and garlic, both of which are toxic to dogs. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Rice Crackers | Must be in moderation and ensure that there is no added salt, spices, or artificial flavors. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Ritz Crackers | In moderation, however we don’t recommend it due to its high salt content. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Shrimp Chips | These must be avoided due to high salt content and additives. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Skippy Peanut Butter | Must be in moderation, and ensure that it doesn’t contain xylitol, as this sweetener can be toxic to dogs. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Skittles | But we advise against it, due to high sugar content, and some products may contain xylitol, which is unsafe for dogs. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Slim Jims | While not toxic for dogs, they are still high in salt and fat – We don’t recommend as here are healthier alternatives. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Spaghetti Squash | Must be cooked and eaten in moderation. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Starbursts | While not toxic for dogs, they are still high in sugar and additives – We don’t recommend them as there are healthier alternatives. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Strawberry Ice Cream | Mixing dairy and sugar is never great for a dogs stomach – We don’t recommend them as there are healthier alternatives. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat String Cheese | But avoid if your dog is lactose intolerant. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Teriyaki Chicken | Can be eaten in moderation. Must avoid the sauce, due to it’s high salt and sugar content. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Tomato Soup | One sip is enough. Pre-made tomato soups is they often contain onion and garlic, which can be toxic to dogs. We recommend against feeding it to your dog. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Tortillas Chips | Due to the lack of nutritional benefit and being a potential choking hazard. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Tums | But some products contain xylitol, which is toxic for dogs. We recommend consulting with your local vet. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Twizzlers | Contains high levels of sugar, which can cause gastrointestinal problems for your dog. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Vegetable Broth | You must ensure there’s no added onion, sodium, or artificial flavors and fillers. | Yes |
Can Dogs Eat Weetabix | While not toxic for dogs, we still don’t recommend them as there are healthier alternatives. | No |
Can Dogs Eat Wheat Thins | They contain artificial flavoring and preservatives and not to mention the high salt and sugar content. Avoid. | No |

What Is A Dog’s Favorite Human Food?
Peanut Butter:
peanut butter tops the list, and it owes to the fact that it is easy to take in, sweet, and can, because of its taste, be used to trick your dog into taking its medication*. Peanut butter cookies as a random snack will also get your dog jumping.
Sweet Potatoes:
Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber and help to better your pet’s digestive system*. It regulates bowel movements and is beneficial in fighting against diarrhea or constipation.
Bananas contain carbohydrates, high dietary fiber, and sugar. The fiber content in bananas helps regulate dogs’ bowel movement, aids in smoother digestion, and prevents constipation, diarrhea, or other stomach-related problems. They are also delicious and have a sweet flavor.
Baby Carrots*:
Just like rabbits, dogs like carrots for several reasons. Carrots are a great option for dogs and a healthy addition to their diet. It is a safe vegetable and a low-calorie snack for your dog.*

Do Vets Recommend Human Food For Dogs?
A veterinarian is always the best person to go to for advice regarding your dog’s diet. They prepare the best diets based on years of practice and experience.
A dog’s stomach and digestive system are very different from that of a human; therefore, its body might not have the full capacity to support what a human’s body can support*.
Veterinarians tend to have varying opinions regarding different foods because when approving a food, snack, or vegetable for a dog’s diet, they consider the specific food in question, the individual dog’s health, and dietary requirements.
This helps them make accurate and informed decisions.

Veterinarians usually stress the importance of feeding dogs a complete and balanced diet in terms of nutrients. Because commercial dog feeds are made to fulfill these specifications, pet owners have a trusted and easy-to-use option.
Feeding dogs human food carries several hazards, such as potential toxicity from specific substances, gastrointestinal disturbances, and nutritional imbalances. Certain things humans eat, such as chocolate, grapes, and onions, can cause injury or even death to dogs.
What Human Food Can Dogs Eat? Dogs can safely consume some human meals in moderation, but there are several items that they should not eat. Certain foods, including fruits, vegetables, and lean meats that are safe and beneficial to health, may be suggested by veterinarians.

What Human Food Can Puppies Eat?
Who’s going to care for her tinny-winny puppy? That’s you, please. The feeling you have when you bring a new baby into the world and wait until the most appropriate time to feed it the most appropriate human foods is the same with your cute puppy. What Human Food Can Dogs Eat?
Peanut Butter*:
Peanut butter is also considered healthy for furry friends when taken in moderation. It is excellent for dogs because of its creamy texture and because it is also a good source of protein. Ensure it is not one of those containing Xylitol and that it can also be natural.
Greek Yogurt:
Plain yogurt is the best compared to other types. This is because it doesn’t have a high sugar content or anything potentially dangerous for your cute puppy to consume.
Lean Proteins:
Lean proteins like cooked chicken, turkey, or beef are excellent options for puppies. They provide amino acids that help muscle growth and are considered generally safe.
Like many other fruits, apples contain vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants*, popularly known for strengthening the immune system and improving your pet’s overall well-being.

What Human Food Is Safe For Puppies?
Some foods can be very tasty and great, but they are not very healthy. This is why more caution must be exercised when feeding our little furry animals human food. What human food can dogs eat?
Lean Proteins*:
Unseasoned proteins like chicken, turkey, and beef are safe for dogs to consume. The most important thing is that bones and everything else can cause choking hazards for your puppy.
Cooked Eggs:
Cooked eggs, if unseasoned, are considered safe for your puppy. They contain protein and essential nutrients like vitamins A and B12, but raw eggs containing salmonella should be avoided.
Rice is also considered safe for your puppy. It helps with stomach upset and builds sensitive stomachs. It’s bland, easy to digest, and unlikely to harm your puppy.
Plain Yogurt:
Plain unsweetened yogurt contains probiotics and is very safe for puppies. It also helps to better your puppy’s digestive health.
Pumpkin, when cooked and chopped into smaller bits, is very healthy and nutritious for your puppy. It has a good level of fiber and beta-carotene, aids digestion, and has a shinier coat.

At What Age Can Puppies Eat Human Food?

Puppies rely on their mother’s milk for feeding and healthy living for the first few weeks of life. The dog’s mum can obtain essential antibodies and nutrients crucial for its early development through milk. This way, the puppy has a great chance of starting healthy living.
As puppies grow older, they begin to be weaned. Their weaning stage begins around the third to fourth week. In this stage, they begin to be introduced to solid food, while the nursing stage with the mother gradually ends. At this stage, they begin to feed on soft puppy food or a gruel made from puppy food mixed with warm water or something suitable to replace the mother’s milk.
Solid food or human food can be introduced when the puppy is between six and eight weeks of age. For human food, waiting until the twelfth week or when the puppy is more robust and can tolerate more things is generally advised.

What Can I Feed My Puppy Instead Of Dog Food?
It’s possible to run out of dog food, and some situations can arise when you don’t have the strength or finances to restock when your dog food finishes. In that case, some human foods are safe in that condition*.
Raw or cooked; dogs are free to eat apples with the condition of doing it in moderation. Raw apples are also very high in vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants*, popularly known for strengthening the immune system and improving your pet’s overall well-being. If you’re worried about the skin, it’s no problem because it’s safe.
Dairy Products*:
Dairy products like cheese, plain yogurt, and milk are safe for puppies to eat in moderation. Some dogs are lactose intolerant and cannot tolerate too many dairy products, so they should be consumed in tiny bits.

What Human Food Can Dogs Eat If I Mix It With Puppy Food?
What does including human food in your dog diet do? It adds flair, taste, and flavor and is also a perfect way to include variety. It’s also very beneficial because some nutrients that can’t be found in dog food can be found in human foods.
So, let’s take a quick look at some human foods you can mix with your dog food.
Blueberries contain a high level of antioxidants and nutrients* like vitamins C and K and fiber, which support your dog’s overall well-being and immune system.
Also, the flesh of blueberries is not toxic and does not substantially harm dogs. Blueberries’ antioxidants help fight stress, reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, and ensure vitality. Chewing on blueberries also helps dogs produce saliva.
Broccoli contains vitamins C, K, and A, fiber, calcium, and antioxidants. These vitamins strengthen your dog’s immune system, give it stronger bones, aid digestion, and give it a more muscular body. Broccoli is also very rich in fiber, both soluble and insoluble*, which promotes gut health.
If you’re looking for more nutritional advice for your pet, The American Canine Club is a great starting point for all things in canine health.
Looking For Some Healthy, Homemade Dog Food Recipe Inspiration?

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What Can You Expect From Our Articles?
We uncover all the essential tips and tricks you require when feeding your beloved canine including, comprehensive nutritional and safety guidelines, healthy feeding practices, homemade dog-friendly recipes, portion control based on size & breed, toxic pet food to avoid, dietary advice, and much more.
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- Make an informed decision, rather than guessing what to feed your beloved fur baby
- Providing optimal nutritional care for your doggo
- Debunk common myths and misconceptions
- Ensuring you have a happy and healthy pet for endless years to come
- What Human Food Can Dogs Eat?
This website began as a way for us to offer dog feeding tips and ideas to fellow dog lovers and everyday Pet Parents around America.

We Provide Vet Approved Dog Feeding Advice
Answering the Question: What Human Food Can Dogs Eat?

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All of us at are dedicated to helping you grow your dog feeding knowledge. Whether it be by improving your fur babies overall health, or navigating through the various lifecycle stage from a puppy all the way through to a senior dog. What Human Food Can Dogs Eat? We do all the hard work for you to enable you to make informed buying and feeding decisions. It is our belief that every pet parents dog can live a healthy and fulfilling life and we’re hear to ride all the bumps with you!
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