Can Dogs Eat Jujube? 10 Insane Facts You Must Know!
Your Guide To: Can Dogs Eat Jujube?
Fact checked and reviewed by:
Dr. Joseph Menicucci, DVM, MBA
Part of the intrigue of owning a pet is the constant search for new treats. Since dogs love fruits as much as their human companions, it may cross your mind to add jujubes to the menu.
People treasure these sweet fruits for their healthy goodness, but can these benefits spill over to your furry companions?
Since dogs are built differently, what’s good for you may not be ideal for your pooch. Is the jujube fruit a safe dog treat? Can Dogs Eat Jujube? Dig in to find out.
Can Dogs Eat Jujube? Can Dogs Have Jujube?
Dogs can safely eat ripe jujube fruits in moderation. Dogs can enjoy the flesh of this sweet fruit with dark red or purple skin when ripe. Ripe jujubes have wrinkled skin, a chewy texture, and an apple-like taste profile. Dried jujubes are known as Chinese or red dates and are also dog-safe.
Like many fruits, jujubes have a high sugar content, especially when dried. Overindulgence may lead to digestive distress and cause your dog to experience bouts of nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Dogs that regularly consume jujubes face the risk of obesity. Obesity may trigger other health-related problems, such as arthritis and canine diabetes.
Besides the edible flesh, each jujube contains two seeds in a sweet, chewy pit. Be sure to remove the pits because they pose a health risk. Jujube pits pose a choking hazard, may cause an obstruction, and contain cyanogenic glycosides, which are toxic to dogs. The jujube plant also has toxic properties and may cause respiratory failure.
Can Dogs Eat Jujube Dates?
Dogs can safely eat ripe jujube dates. Jujubes dates are dried jujube fruits. Always remove the pit and the seeds before serving Chinese dates to your dog. Jujube dates have a higher sugar content than the jujube fruit. As such, portion control is crucial to avoid digestive distress and weight gain issues in the long run.
Can Dogs Eat Jujube Fruit?
Dogs can eat jujube fruit in moderation without any adverse side effects. Portion control is crucial when adding it to your dog’s diet. Since dogs are facultative carnivores, their digestive systems can’t effectively digest sugar.
Their systems produce a small amount of amylase, an enzyme that breaks down sugar in the gut, and they are easily overwhelmed by too much sugar. Dogs that eat too many jujube fruits may throw up or suffer bouts of diarrhea.
Can Dogs Eat Jujubes Candy?
Also known as jube jubes or gum drops, jujubes candy isn’t recommended for dogs. The sweet, chewy candy is primarily made of sugar and has no nutritional value. Dogs that overindulge risk digestive distress due to the high sugar content. Long-term consumption may lead to obesity and obesity-related problems such as canine diabetes and joint problems.
Due to their chewy nature, jube jubes tend to stick to the teeth, which may eventually lead to dental problems.
Generally, you shouldn’t feed your dog jujubes candy because the commercial variety may contain xylitol as a sweetener. Xylitol is a known toxin for dogs that causes liver damage. Dogs start showing signs of xylitol poisoning within 30 minutes, and it can prove fatal if there’s no medical intervention within two hours.
Can Dogs Eat Jujubes? And What Are The Health Benefits?
Unlike processed candy, jujube fruits are a nutritional powerhouse that’s been in use in traditional Chinese medicine for 4,000 years. Their dietary benefits can carry over to your furry companions and include:
Vitamin C:
Jujubes are exceptionally rich in Vitamin C—up to 20 times more than citrus fruits. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects against cell damage. It reduces oxidative stress, which leads to premature aging, inflammation, and dementia in dogs.
Anti-inflammatory properties:
Jujubes are rich in phytochemicals such as flavonoids, phenolics, polysaccharides, and triterpenic acids. They help dogs fight inflammation, boost cardiac health, and support the immune system to fight off diseases.
Good for digestion:
Jujubes are rich in dietary fiber, which helps improve your dog’s blood sugar levels and prevent constipation. Fibers add bulk to a dog’s stool to ensure regular bowel movements.
Dogs need adequate iron in their diets to ensure proper oxygen supply to all organs. It also supports healthy muscle development, enzyme production, and healthy growth and development.
Dogs need calcium for healthy teeth and bone development. It’s the most abundant mineral in your dog’s system, and it supports nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and blood clotting. Pregnant or lactating dogs need a calcium-rich diet to prevent age-related bone loss.
Dogs need potassium to support heart and kidney health and function. It also helps muscle contractions by ensuring proper nerve transmission. Potassium also prevents electrolyte imbalances for healthy cell development.
Phosphorous keeps your dog healthy by supporting essential functions such as pH regulation, muscle contractions, and kidney function. Alongside calcium, phosphorous supports skeletal health by helping form strong bones and teeth.
Can Dogs Eat Jujube? What’s the Best Way to Serve It To My Pet?
You may serve ripe jujubes to your dogs as a standalone treat, a meal topping, or a smoothie. Wash the jujubes thoroughly to remove dirt and chemical residuals before offering them to your pooch. Removing the seeds and pits makes jujubes a safe and nutritious dog treat.
Jujube serving options include:
Clean and pit the Chinese dates and chop them into small pieces to keep them from becoming a choking hazard.
Crush pitted jujubes and use them to flavor your dog’s regular food.
Deseed and pit the jujubes before running them through a blender to create a smoothie. Jujube smoothies are a safe and nutritious way to help your pooch cool down in summer.
Can Dogs Eat Jujube? How Much Should I Give My Pet?
For all its nutritious goodness, jujube remains a sugary treat. As such, you’ll need to tread carefully to ensure the risks don’t outweigh the benefits. Ideally, the portion sizes depend on your dog’s size, health, and activity levels.
Active dogs can have up to three jujubes per serving, while smaller and senior dogs can dog with much less. Never make jujubes a regular part of your dog’s diet to keep them from packing on the pounds.
Can Puppies Eat Jujubes?
Jujubes are safe and nutritious treats for puppies when given in moderation. Due to the fruit’s high sugar content, it carries the risk of digestive distress. So don’t offer your puppies too much of this fruit.
You should always tread carefully when introducing jujubes into your puppy’s diet. Remove the pit and seeds, and chop the fruit into small pieces when offering. Monitor the puppy for adverse reactions that may indicate allergies and sensitivities.
You can safely add the jujube fruit to your pup’s diet if you observe no adverse symptoms. Conversely, strike them from the diet and consult a vet if you notice signs of digestive distress.
Looking For Some Healthy, Homemade Dog Food Recipe Inspiration?
So, Can Dogs Eat Jujube? What’s the Verdict?
Ripe jujubes are a safe and nutritious dog treat when offered in moderation. You may provide this chewy treat to your pooch after thoroughly washing it and removing the seeds and pits.
Don’t offer too much because it’s high in sugar and may trigger digestive distress. Making jujubes a regular diet item may lead to obesity. Avoid jujube candy because it is unhealthy and may contain xylitol, a known toxin for dogs, as a sweetener.
If you’re looking for more nutritional advice for your pet, The American Canine Club is a great starting point for all things in canine health.