Dog Feeding Advice

Can Dogs Eat Kimchi? Here’s 7 Helpful Insights

Reviewed & Fact Checked Dr. Joseph Menicucci Veterinarian DVM, MBA
Can Dogs Eat Kimchi

Dogs are a special breed of animal, but have you ever wondered if their bodies can take all kinds of foods, especially human foods? Dogs can take all sorts of nutrition, but not every human food serves as a green light. Let’s investigate, Can Dogs Eat Kimchi?

Although kimchi, a delicious Korean meal made with cabbage and spices, may please your taste buds, is it safe for your pet?

Nutritional Components Of Kimchi

A lot of times, even in the movies you watch, you would notice that Koreans have a special love for Kimchi. They pair it with soups, stews, noodles, and pancakes as a side dish.

Kimchi is a traditional Korean side dish made from fermented vegetables. Ingredients in making kimchi and its fermentation process include cabbage, chili peppers, sugar, salt, onions, garlic, and ginger.

Other veggies like radish, celery, carrot, cucumber, eggplant, spinach, scallions, beets, bamboo shoots, daikon radish, Korean pear, Korean red pepper, scallions, garlic, ginger, onion, fermented shrimp, rice flour, etc., are also used.  

Kimchi contains a lot of nutrients while being low in calories. Vitamins A and C are abundant in kimchi, supporting healthy skin and a robust immune system.

These advantages are increased by the fermentation process, which introduces probiotics that help with digestion.

Kimchi also has something called the Lactobacillus bacterium, which boosts immune health. It also reduces inflammation and slows down the aging process. Moreover, kimchi is a low-calorie food high in fiber, supporting weight loss and digestive health.

Now, why wouldn’t you love something with that many benefits?

Can Dogs Eat Kimchi? The Benefits Of Proteins And Probiotics

It is not a new thing that Kimchi is a very delicious food that provides essential proteins for both dogs and humans. Kimchi’s primary protein source is cabbage, which is used in its preparation.

USDA data show that one cup of kimchi made with cabbage is a good source of the following nutrients*: Fiber, iron, vitamin K, sodium, some grams of protein, potassium, calcium, and copper.

Cabbage also contains amino acids that serve as building blocks for protein. These proteins are essential for muscle development, maintenance, and other body functions.

Interestingly, Kimchi is an excellent source of probiotics, good bacteria that support gut health, and proteins. Kimchi’s fermenting process adds bacteria, such as Lactobacillus, essential for improving gut health and digestion.

Probiotics promote digestive health in dogs, so kimchi may be advantageous when added to their diet in moderation and concerning their specific food needs.

Can Dogs Eat Kimchi

Why Does Your Dog Need To Eat Fermented Foods?

Everyone is talking about the benefits of fermented foods to human beings, their bodies, and their digestive systems, but is it just restricted to humans alone? Do dogs also benefit from eating fermented foods?

It’s popular to hear that your dog shouldn’t eat what you eat, but is this statement entirely true?

Feeding your dog with foods digested by fermentation has some health benefits. Your dog may get digestive problems if he consumes commercial pet food or isn’t given enough exercise.

You’ve probably heard that fermented foods are filled with probiotics, which help maintain a healthy gut flora, the good bacteria in your dog’s gut. Furthermore, if your dog has a sensitive stomach or digestive problem, it may benefit significantly from fermented foods.

Fermented foods, like kimchi, include probiotics that can help soothe and regulate the digestive tract, which may help relieve symptoms like diarrhea, bloating, and gas.

While fermented foods can benefit some dogs, it’s crucial to be aware of potential disadvantages.

Fermented foods may feed yeast inside of your dog. Foods like yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and kombucha will worsen your dog’s yeast overgrowth rather than help in its removal. Bacteria and yeast consume the sugars and carbohydrates in the food as it ferments*.  

Another thing you should watch out for is if your dog is allergic to some ingredients contained in these fermented foods. Certain ingredients, including onions or garlic, may cause allergies in particular dogs.

Skin problems, unsettled stomachs, and more severe symptoms can all be signs of allergic reactions.

Discontinue feeding once you start to notice any of these symptoms. Still stuck on Can Dogs Eat Kimchi? Keep reading!

Is Kimchi Safe For Dogs? Can They Have An Allergic Reaction?

Because your little furry animal is always happy and wadding its tail at you, you might not see when it’s in pain or uncomfortable. You should pay extreme attention to introducing food into your dog’s diet because while it might benefit your dog’s health, it might have more disadvantages than advantages.

Certain ingredients used in making kimchi, such as garlic, ginger, onions, and spice, can be problematic for your dog. These ingredients are members of the allium family and may trigger allergic reactions in your dog.

These reactions cause vomiting, diarrhea, or skin irritations like redness and itching for your dog.

Kimchi must be spicy because that’s how it’s always been. Of course, you love the spice and heat, but your puppy might not be able to tolerate it. The spice level in this food might not agree with your pet’s stomach.

Some dogs are sensitive to spicy foods, which can cause irritation, nausea, diarrhea, and discomfort in the digestive system. To see if spicy food is good for your dog, introduce it slowly into its diet and watch closely for the changes.

Another thing you should take into consideration is feeding your dog commercially produced kimchi. This is because the salt level might be too high in these dog foods, leading to serious health issues for your dog.

Your pet can begin to experience thirst, urination, and sometimes food poisoning.

Instead of feeding your dog these foods, as a dog owner, you should opt for handmade or low-sodium kimchi with a basic salt level to have better peace of mind and give your pet a safer eating experience.

As a dog owner, your dog’s health should be your utmost priority because no dog owner is happy when it dies. So, to prevent your dog from leaving before you, you’ll need to pay attention to what it takes in.

Be aware of your pet’s sensitivity, and consult a veterinarian before feeding your dog anything. Monitor your dog’s responses and take action immediately if it changes.

Can Dogs Eat Kimchi? What Are Some Safe Preparation Methods?

Considering the high-risk level of feeding Kimchi to your dog, should you eliminate it from your dog’s diet?

To make Kimchi suitable for your dog’s feeding:

  • Pay attention to the essential elements, such as cabbage, carrots, and bell peppers, that contain minerals and fiber. To make the cabbage easier for dogs to digest, shred it thinly.
  • Choose less spicy kimchi and leave out the red chili peppers to spare your dog from possible stomach problems.
  • Reduce the quantity of salt you use or select low-sodium choices to keep the seasoning basic and safe.
  • Remember that different dogs tolerate different things. Therefore, you should try various things to find a suitable diet for your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Kimchi

If You’re Still Wondering, Can Dogs Eat Kimchi? Here are 3 Healthy Alternatives

If excessive kimchi harms your dog, you may wonder what your dog can feed on without experiencing side effects. Hear are some health alternatives:


  • Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and support eye health, making them an excellent choice for dog food.

Sweet Potato

  • Sweet potatoes are also an excellent choice because they are naturally sweet and contain necessary vitamins.


  • Broccoli is nutritious but can be served in small portions.

Need More Information About – Can Dogs Eat Kimchi?

Always Consult With A Qualified Veterinarian

Veterinarians are life savers for your dog. Therefore, it is essential to consult one before feeding anything to your dog.

They also offer professional advice based on the particular health needs of your dog. Alongside ensuring your dog’s safety, they may advise on appropriate food choices and handle possible allergies.

This preventive strategy assures that any changes in nutrition fall in line with your dog’s general well-being and helps prevent adverse effects. A balanced, nutritious diet that fits your dog’s needs is made possible by periodic veterinary checkups.

Looking For Some Healthy, Homemade Dog Food Recipe Inspiration?

So, What’s The Verdict? Can Dogs Eat Kimchi?

You’ve read it all, but you’ve not been able to conclude. So, is kimchi good or bad for your dog?

Dogs can enjoy kimchi in moderation, but as a pet owner, you must exercise caution and be mindful of your dog’s health and sensitivities. The probiotics in kimchi can offer some health benefits, but the spices and seasonings may pose more significant risks.

Opting for homemade, dog-friendly kimchi and incorporating it gradually into your dog’s diet can enhance their culinary experience without compromising their well-being. Remember, consulting with a veterinarian is always a wise decision to ensure the best possible care for your furry friend. If you’re looking for more nutritional advice for your pet, The American Canine Club is a great starting point for all things in canine health.

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