Your Guide To: Can Dogs Eat Ricotta Cheese?
Fact checked and reviewed by:
Dr. Joseph Menicucci, DVM, MBA
It is natural for any pet parent to want to take their furry companions on a culinary adventure. You may wish to include taste delights such as ricotta cheese into your pup’s diet.
But given dogs have complicated relationships with dairy-based products, you can’t help but wonder if dogs can safely eat ricotta cheese.
Thankfully, dogs can safely eat ricotta cheese—but only in moderation—and even then as an occasional treat.
Dogs struggle to digest lactose, a milk sugar, and may experience digestive issues if they indulge too much. Your pooch may enjoy this tasty delight without digestive problems if they aren’t lactose intolerant.
Can Dogs Eat Ricotta Cheese? Can Dogs Have Ricotta Cheese?
Dogs can safely enjoy ricotta cheese as long as they don’t overindulge. Like any other cheese, ricotta cheese contains lactose, a milk sugar difficult for dogs to digest. Offer too much, and your pooch may endure bouts of diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, and general discomfort.
Also, ricotta cheese is high in fat and may pose an obesity risk if your dog eats too much. Worse still, subjecting a pooch to high-fat diets may lead to pancreatitis, a potentially fatal condition in dogs.
You may safely offer ricotta cheese to your furry companion as long as you’re judicious about it. Like any other cheese, moderation is key when feeding your dog ricotta cheese.
Can Dogs Eat Cheese Rind?
Some cheese rinds are safe for dogs to eat—but only if they don’t contain artificial ingredients. Soft rinds on cheese varieties such as Camembert or Brie are safe for dogs. However, you should avoid offering hard cheese rinds to your furry companions. Such rinds often contain wax, mold, and other additives that may pose digestive risks.
Cheese wax is often made of paraffin or microcrystalline wax to extend its lifespan. They may also contain food-safe dyes to give the cheese wheel an appealing look. Although these ingredients aren’t inherently toxic to dogs, they aren’t meant to be edible. Ingesting them may tax your dog’s digestive system and lead to digestive issues.

Is Ricotta Cheese Ok for Dogs? Is Ricotta Cheese Bad for Dogs?
Ricotta cheese is safe for dogs—if you offer it in moderation. If your dog is lactose tolerant, you may safely incorporate ricotta cheese into its diet—but only as an occasional treat.
Compared to other cheese varieties, ricotta cheese is well tolerated by dogs. Ricotta has a lower lactose level than regular cheese because it’s cooked twice. 6 That makes it more digestible than most cheese varieties, but that is no reason to overindulge. It only means your furry companion can occasionally enjoy a small piece without stomach upsets.
Ricotta cheese is only bad for dogs with known lactose intolerance. Or if you offer it in excess. Overindulging a dog in ricotta cheese triggers the risk of digestive upsets in the short term. In the long term, overindulging your pooch in cheese may lead to pancreatitis, diabetes, obesity, and obesity-related health conditions.
Can Dogs Eat Ricotta Cheese and Spinach?
Ricotta cheese and spinach are nutritional powerhouses. Spinach is laden with minerals, dietary fibers, and vitamins A, C, and K. Ricotta cheese is an excellent protein and mineral source with a rich vitamin profile.
Both ricotta cheese and spinach are safe and nutritious dog treats—when served in moderation. You can safely combine the two dog-safe ingredients into a tasty delight to improve your dog’s feeding routine. You can combine them with other ingredients to create ricotta and spinach cookies.
A point of note: while dogs can safely eat raw spinach, you’re better off serving it cooked or steamed. Raw spinach has oxalic acid, which may interfere with calcium absorption in dogs when consumed in large quantities and lead to oxalates poisoning in dogs. Cooking neutralizes the acid, which helps maximize nutrient absorption.
Can Dogs Eat Ricotta Cheese And What Are The Health Benefits?
Like all cheeses, ricotta cheese makes a nutritious treat for your canine friend. It has a rich nutritional profile comprising protein, minerals, and vitamins. However, the high fat and calorie content makes it unsuitable for a regular diet item.
Besides providing protein, which your dog needs for healthy muscle development, ricotta cheese is also rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. These fatty acids will keep your pup healthy by preventing skin conditions and improving joint and heart health. They also champion pups’ brain development and support cognitive functioning in adult dogs.
The vitamin profile is equally impressive. Ricotta cheese is rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and B12. Dogs need vitamins for proper growth and development as they support various bodily functions, from vision to bone health. Dogs can only manufacture vitamin C in their bodies, so you’ll need to supplement the rest through their diet.

Can Dogs Eat Ricotta Cheese And How Should I Serve It To My Pet?
You have a free reign when serving your dog ricotta cheese. Dice a small piece and offer it as a treat or training reward. 12 Or you can get fancy and offer it as a topping to your pup’s regular chow.
Simply melt a small chunk and pour the melty goodness as topping on regular dog food. You’ll likely witness a spectacle as your furry companion wolfs down the food and begs for seconds. But that’s no reason to make melted ricotta cheese a regular part of your pup’s diet.
Alternatively, you can bake ricotta cheese into cookies 10 and offer them as an occasional treat. Please note that heating cheese only alters its structure—not its nutritional profile or digestibility. Always offer baked cheese goodies in moderation to avoid saddling your pooch with digestive issues or weight maintenance problems.
Can Dogs Eat Ricotta Cheese And How Much Should I Give My Dog?
Your furry companion is likely to go bonkers for this tasty delight. But how much ricotta cheese should you give? A rule of thumb when offering cheese is no more than 10% of your pup’s body weight daily. So, if your pooch is 12 pounds, offer no more than 1.2 ounces at a go.
Why so little? Moderation lets dogs enjoy all the creamy goodness of cheese. Off too much, and you have a sad, bloated pooch on your hands. Offer too much too often, and you have a sad, overweight pooch to fuss over.
Since ricotta cheese is a high-fat food, offering too much may lead to pancreatitis. Your pup may also become obese, which leads to joint and mobility issues.
Can Puppies Eat Ricotta Cheese?
Surprisingly, most puppies can eat ricotta cheese without experiencing digestive distress. Unlike adults, puppies have a higher level of lactase, the enzyme that digests lactose in milk. After all, puppies depend on their mother’s milk for the first months of their young lives.
The enzyme levels decline as the pups transition into adults. However, pups have sensitive stomachs and may experience stomach upsets after being introduced to new foods.
Ideally, you want to be sure your pup isn’t lactose intolerant before introducing ricotta cheese. Offering milk-based products and observing the reaction is a great way to ascertain this.
Ricotta cheese is an excellent choice when introducing cheese to your pup’s diet. Thanks to the double cooking method, ricotta has lower lactose content than your typical cheese variety. Dogs are likelier to chow it down and enjoy its creamy goodness without a dangerous fallout. But only if you serve it in moderation and as an occasional treat.
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So, Can Dogs Eat Ricotta Cheese? What’s the Verdict?
Dogs can safely eat ricotta cheese without the digestive fallout that characterizes the dog-cheese relationship. Unlike other cheese varieties, Rotta cheese is cooked twice, which helps lower the lactose content.
You may safely serve this taste delight to your lactose-tolerant pooch—as long as you aren’t too generous. Too much ricotta cheese will trigger digestive issues—upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, and gas—which may leave your pooch in distress.
Also, you may endanger your dog’s health and well-being if you make ricotta or any other cheese a staple in your dog’s diet. Too much cheese may lead to canine obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
What is the verdict on ricotta cheese as a dog treat? Ricotta cheese is a nutrient-packed doggie treat that can keep your dog healthy, but only if you offer it in moderation, and even then, as an occasional treat. If you’re looking for more nutritional advice for your pet, The American Canine Club is a great starting point for all things canine health.