Your Guide To: Can Dogs Eat Black Rice?
Fact checked and reviewed by:
Dr. Joseph Menicucci, DVM, MBA
In this article, we will delve into the topic and gather information to determine if black rice is safe and beneficial for dogs. Can Dogs Eat Black Rice? Let’s find out!
As you must have heard, rice is probably suitable for your dog to consume. Ideally, it helps to give your dog a settled stomach and calm an upset stomach. You’ve also heard that it should be done in moderation.
Now, what’s the truth about this matter? As we all know, it can be really hard and frustrating to watch what your dog eats, as it can stroll into your kitchen and find crumbs.
Can Dogs Eat Black Rice? Should Dogs Eat Black Rice?
Yes. Black rice is safe for dogs to eat in moderation.
The black-purple form of rice, known as black rice, is incredibly healthy. This type of rice is a member of the Oryza sativa family, which is from a special ingredient called anthocyanin.
It also functions as a beneficial vegetable that significantly reduces oxidative stress*. Black rice contains nutrients that dogs can benefit from when they eat tiny amounts of it on occasion.
If you wish to feed black rice to your dog, make sure it’s prepared simply, without any salt or flavorings.
Can Dogs Eat Black Rice Uncooked?
No, dogs should not eat uncooked black rice.
Uncooked rice can expand in their stomach and cause discomfort, bloating, and even obstruction. The digestive systems of dogs are weak, and this will only cause gastrointestinal issues for your dog.
When dogs eat a small amount of uncooked rice, it is unlikely to cause any harm, but if they eat a large amount, it is best to watch their behavior and consult a veterinarian if signs of illness occur.
The dangers of uncooked rice for dogs include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, abdominal pain, etc.

Why Is Black Rice Called Forbidden Rice?
Black rice is not forbidden for dogs.
Other names for forbidden rice include king’s rice, paradise rice, and imperial rice. This ingredient was only consumed by the emperors of ancient China, who did so to extend their lives and maintain good health*.
It was off-limits to everyone but the wealthiest and most influential individuals, hence the name.
Forbidden rice has its origins dating back over 4,000 years to China. Although forbidden rice exists in a variety of forms, it is all essentially a form of black rice.
Can Dogs Eat Black Wild Rice?
Also known as “Canada rice” or “Indian rice,” black wild rice is a nutritious and risk-free choice for your pet.
Similar to ordinary black rice, this kind offers several health advantages that may be beneficial to your dog’s well-being. It is notable for being an excellent source of protein, fiber, and vital minerals.
Changes in nutrition should be made carefully, considering your dog’s health. While it might be a useful supplement, black wild rice cannot replace a dog diet that is well-balanced and heavy in meat.
Can Dogs Eat Black Rice That Is Glutinous?
When given in moderation, black glutinous rice, frequently used in puddings and sweets, can be a pleasant treat for your dog.
Though typically safe for dogs to eat, there are a few things to keep in mind when serving this kind of rice to them. Black glutinous rice is stickier and contains more sugar than normal black rice.
It should be considered an occasional treat rather than a regular part of your dog’s diet. Because of its stickier texture and higher sugar content, consuming too much black glutinous rice may be harmful to your dog’s health.

What Health Benefits Does Black Rice Have?
There are several health benefits to black rice for your dog.
Compared to other kinds of rice, it has greater protein. It’s also a great source of iron, which will support the regular synthesis of red blood cells in your dog’s body.
Given that iron distributes oxygen throughout your pet’s body, it is also a necessary mineral. Carotenoids are one of the many active ingredients in black rice. The well-known anti-sublight function of carotenoids enhances the anti-inflammatory properties of anthocyanins*.
Anthocyanins offer several benefits in dealing with inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and uneven diabetic treatment. Additionally, black rice is a great source of fiber, which can benefit your pet’s digestive tract.
What’s The Best Way To Serve My Dog Black Rice?
If you want to include black rice in your dog’s diet, be careful not to overdo it.
Start by cooking a small amount of black rice and including it in your dog’s usual food. It’s important to pay extra attention to your dog’s behavior when it is fed black rice for the first time.
If your dog maintains its energy, then, that’s a sign that you can continue feeding black rice to your dog. On the contrary, if you notice signs of sickness or lethargy, then you should reconsider your decision.
Can Dogs Eat Black Rice?How Much Should I Give My Dog?
There is no straightforward answer as different things apply to different dogs. You should consider your dog’s size, age, and health before choosing to feed it even the tiniest amount of black rice.
For better results, it’s better to use black rice as filler to your dog’s regular meal by adding it in small quantities. This way, you can monitor your dog’s health and discontinue immediately if you notice negative signs.
Also remember that no matter the strength of your dog, this meal should always be in moderation.
Can Puppies Eat Black Rice?
Our puppies are the sweetest beings we can have, for these reasons, you can withdraw some attention from your adult dog to it.
Unlike adult dogs, puppies are newborns and have not built their digestive system to accommodate a number of foods which includes black rice. It can be tricky to decipher the amount of black rice to feed to your puppy thereby causing various issues. For this reason, it is best to avoid it totally until your puppy is mature enough to take food as an experiment.
Note that your veterinarian should always be aware of any changes in diet.
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So, Can Dogs Eat Black Rice? What’s The Verdict?
Black rice comprises two nutritional elements which are antioxidants and dietary fiber. Since the dog clan stands for moderation in anything they take, you should also apply this rule when adding black rice to your dog’s diet for a safer and healthier diet.
Thankfully, Black rice is a good source of iron and protein and it also helps in stronger blood cells, it doesn’t take much time for your dog to adapt to this delicacy. However, the red code is that you consult your veterinarian to specify the compatibility of your dog’s health with the intake of black rice.
And remember, your dog is special and unique, therefore, ensure safety first before any other thing. Changes in your dog’s diet should always be made carefully and consciously. If you’re looking for more nutritional advice for your pet, The American Canine Club is a great starting point for all things in canine health.
Is Black Rice Poisonous?
If it is an obstruction to your dog’s digestion, then, it is not advisable. While black rice is not inherently poisonous to your dog, you shouldn’t make it a regular meal as it can lead to intestinal obstructions.
Can Dogs Eat Purple Rice?
Purple rice is a great choice for your pet in moderation. This is because it has a lower glycemic index than white rice, and also contains high fiber, protein, and Vitamin E.
Can Dogs Eat Brown Rice For Upset Stomach?
Brown rice is easily digestible and can provide relief from digestive issues. It is often recommended as a bland diet option for dogs with gastrointestinal disturbances.